Sunday, August 19, 2007

royal rainbox!

andy: nobody seems happy today.
andy: we need a royal rainbox.
andy: bow.
andy: i meant bow.
andy: i'm not advocating putting anybody in a box.
andy: and i'm certainly not advocating throwing the box off a bridge.
andy: that would be murder.


(how lolcats have ruined america)

andy: oh god, i eated the salty ones.
amy: oh noes!


(when complaining about the increased traffic due to a new fancypants gym nearby)

andy: it's funny how people are always driving to the gym.
andy: I feel like there should be a remedy for this...
amy: car pooling to the gym?
andy: screw you.


(after discovering oscar the death cat has a canine counterpart)

amy: i wonder what happens when death dog and death cat rumble?
amy: the apocalypse?


andy: i knew well enough to stay the hell away from any link
that is labled as "disturbing" by a furry.
amy: clearly i have not learned my lesson
amy: it's pretty interesting
amy: i encourage you to, um, step into this guy's world of BATFUCK CRAZY


andy: that tea you gave me is pretty smooth, until the last sip, where
it's all, "so you think you're tough, eh tea boy?


(about Mario Kart Double Dash)

andy: that game is the devil's work.
andy: all those hot video game characters with their legs wrapped
around each other, driving in their cars, doing god-knows what.


andy: take the day off, have some fun.
andy: go do whatever the kids do these days.
andy: with their crazy disco and rocket ships and killer robots

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